You can contribute both new instrumentations or update and improve the different SDKs.

Join our Slack community to chat and get help on any issues you may encounter.

The Python and Typescript are monorepos that use nx to manage the different packages. Make sure you have node >= 18 and nx installed globally.

Basic guide for using nx

Most commands can be run from the root of the project. For example, to lint the entire project, run:

nx run-many -t lint

Other commands you can use simiarily are test, or build, or lock and install (for Python).

To run a specific command on a specific package, run:

nx run <package>:<command>


We use poetry to manage packages, and each package is managed independently under its own directory under /packages. All instrumentations depends on opentelemetry-semantic-conventions-ai, and traceloop-sdk depends on all the instrumentations.

If adding a new instrumentation, make sure to use it in traceloop-sdk, and write proper tests.


No matter if you’re working on an instrumentation or on the SDK, we recommend testing the changes by using the SDK in the sample app (/packages/sample-app) or the tests under the SDK.

Running tests

We record HTTP requests and then replay them in tests to avoid making actual calls to the foundation model providers. See and pollyjs to do that, check out their documentation to understand how to use them and re-record the requests.

You can run all tests by running:

nx run-many -t test

Or run a specific test by running:

nx run <package>:test

For example, to run the tests for the openai instrumentation package, run:

nx run opentelemetry-instrumentation-openai:test


We use npm with workspaces to manage packages in the monorepo. Install by running npm install in the root of the project. Each package has its own test suite. You can use the sample app to run and test changes locally.